LAURA INGRAHAM: Nobody believes Biden didn’t know about Hunter’s business dealings

LAURA INGRAHAM: Nobody believes Biden didn’t know about Hunter’s business dealings

Not a single adult alive with any normal brain activity believes this. The line that Joe Biden wasn’t aware of his son’s business dealings is undercut by Biden’s own life story. Now, from his own words and his own actions, we see that his family means everything to him. Their closeness has been chronicled in profile after profile going back to his ill-fated 1988 presidential campaign, all the way to present day.

Now, the president was so close to Hunter that he brought him on overseas trips as vice president, including a 2013 trip to China. Now, see Hunter here in that red sweater enjoy traditional tea in Beijing. And he continues to travel with his dad now as president, most recently to Ireland this past April.

Shameless. And of course, we know at about the same timeframe that Hunter Biden was entertaining hookers, doing coke and participating in orgies. His longtime business partner, Eric Schwerin, visited the White House at least eight times. That was in 2016. Meeting with then Vice President Biden’s chief of staff, Steve Ricchetti. Nah, nothing to look at here. Well, the press tried to ignore it all, even when we have Hunter, in his own words, from one of his infamous sex tapes, we hear him talking to a Russian prostitute about how one of his laptops got stolen.

The post   appeared first on Fox News.


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