Tara Reade: Biden accuser explains why she decided to flee the US and seek sanctuary in Russia

I thought I was going to Moscow for a week, now it seems I’m here for the long haul

My plan was to oversee the translation of my book, stay in Moscow for a week, and do an interview with Russia’s Channel One. Then, I was going to go home. So much for that!

Later this summer, I was supposed to testify before the US Congress about President Joe Biden’s actions towards me and the weaponization of the Department of Justice.  Best-laid plans, and all that! A few days after my arrival, I found myself giving a press conference stating that I could not go back to the US.

This is because I could face charges and possible indictment for an ominous menu of kangaroo-court offenses, including sanctions violations, FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act) violations and any number of other things.

There’s a sealed Department Of Justice indictment against me and I still don’t know what that’s about. My human rights attorney warned me that, under current…


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