FNC’s Bruce: Dems Didn’t Think SCOTUS Needed to Be Packed when It Ruled 8-1 for Biden on Immigration

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” guest host Tammy Bruce noted that Democrats didn’t furiously denounce the Supreme Court, question its legitimacy, or call for packing it after the court rejected a lawsuit against the Biden administration over immigration policy in an 8-1 ruling.

Fox News Contributor and George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley stated, [relevant exchange begins around 3:20] “These are justices, by the way, on the conservative end of the court, that delivered a number of victories to the Biden administration, including a huge victory where they upheld his — the immigration policies of the President. They have not hesitated to vote for the President when law and the Constitution [were] on his side. It wasn’t on his side here. He was openly circumventing Congress and using this attenuated argument involving this act. And they were rightfully going to come down on the side of the Constitution. But you now…


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