Rep. Claudia Tenney: Biden ‘not a strong supporter of Israel’

Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) of New York’s upstate 24th congressional district said that President Joe Biden is “not a strong supporter of Israel” because of his hostility to Israel’s democratically-elected government.

Tenney spoke to Breitbart News Sunday ahead of the visit Wednesday of Israel’s ceremonial president, Isaac Herzog, who will be addressing a special joint session of Congress. President Biden also invited Herzog to visit the White House — a courtesy he has yet to extent to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, despite the fact that Netanyahu was elected last year, and that Biden had quickly invited both of his predecessors to visit.

Breitbart News senior editor-at-large Joel B. Pollak asked Tenney about the perception that President Biden was trying to split Israelis, and to back the Israeli opposition over Netanyahu and his governing coalition.

She said:

“It’s very similar to what the Obama administration did. You know, the Obama…


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