5 things you must know about fighting Biden’s radical censorship regime

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President Joe Biden and several members of his administration have used the power of the federal government to systematically and illegally silence political opposition through a “far-reaching and widespread censorship campaign,” according to federal district court judge Terry Doughty, who is presiding over the Missouri vs Biden case brought by the attorneys general from Missouri and Louisiana.  

In his 4th of July decision blocking the Biden administration from continuing to operate as an “Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth,’” Doughty includes scores of examples – requiring 82 pages in the factual section alone–to show how the Biden government “colluded with and/or coerced social-media platforms to suppress disfavored speakers.” Americans should be aware of the following five things as the battle continues against Biden’s censorship industrial complex:  

1. Judge Doughty is no dummy 

Judge Terry Doughty was confirmed by the U.S….


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