Dem rep. attributes Biden’s economic woes to ‘hangover’ from Trump’s ‘disastrous’ handling of pandemic

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., told CNN on Saturday that President Biden’s negative economic polling was due to a “hangover” from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

CNN host Fredricka Whitfield asked Schultz about a CNN poll showing that 51% of Americans believe the economy is getting worse. 

“I mean President Biden, like President Obama before him, inherited an absolute mess, coming out of the pandemic, from clearly the disastrous way that former President Trump handled the pandemic, and he was able to not only make sure that millions of jobs were saved, and small businesses were prevented from going under, but now, he’s begun to really get our economy turned around,” Schultz said. 

She blamed the polling on a “hangover from the pandemic” and argued the administration is making “a lot of progress.” 

Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz joined CNN on Saturday to discuss President Biden and his weak polling on the economy.  (Screenshot/CNN)

“It is pretty clear that…


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