Biden’s Migration Strategy Funds Foreign Dictators, Cripples Poor Countries

President Joe’s Biden policy of welcoming poor economic migrants into Americans’ workplaces and neighborhoods is also funding anti-democratic dictatorships in countries throughout Central and South America.

The funding process is demonstrated in Nicaragua, where dictator Daniel Ortega gains taxes and political stability because Biden’s deputies invited more than 330,000 young Nicaraguan migrants into the U.S. labor market. The Nicaraguan migrants then sent $829 million in taxable remittances back to poor relatives during January, February, and March 2023. That remittance income jumped 90 percent compared to the prior year, according to

The Wall Street Journal reported on August 6:

Remittances have become so vital to the tax revenue of President Daniel Ortega’s regime that some economists say reducing the flow of the funds would be a form of political resistance. “If you didn’t have remittances, the national economy would collapse,” said…


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