Gold Star Families From Kabul Terror Attack Blast Biden. Never Forget How He Abandoned Our Soldiers.

On Monday, the families of 13 service members who were murdered in a terrorist attack at the Kabul airport in 2021 held a press conference. They called on the Biden administration to give them some answers and inform the public as to how their loved ones actually died in the terrorist attack.

Joe Biden committed the single most egregious act I’ve ever seen a president undertake: the cowardly, pusillanimous, and disgusting pullout from Afghanistan without any plan whatsoever. This caused the complete collapse of Afghanistan to the Taliban, left millions of people behind, and abandoned hundreds to thousands of Americans left behind in enemy hands. Green card holders were not able to get out. Translators were left to be murdered. American soldiers were blown up at the airport because proper security was not actually guaranteed.

And Biden has never paid the political price for it.

The real story of Biden’s presidency is encapsulated in the arrogance, the egotism, the disgusting,…


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