House Oversight releases memo alleging Hunter Biden received millions from oligarchs

House Oversight releases memo alleging Hunter Biden received millions from oligarchs


House Republicans fired another salvo at President Joe Biden on Wednesday with a memo discussing how money from foreign sources made its way to his family, raising concerns about influence peddling and U.S. national security.

A new memo compiled by GOP staff on the House Oversight Committee focused mainly on Biden’s son, Hunter, who has drawn intense scrutiny over a federal criminal investigation. It comes after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) recently said the congressional probe into the Biden family’s finances is “rising to the level” of an impeachment inquiry, while Democrats argue Republicans have not produced any evidence showing the president received any foreign money directly. The elder Biden himself has called allegations of corruption “a bunch of malarkey.”

According to the memo, bank records show that oligarchs from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan paid millions of dollars to Hunter Biden, his Rosemont Seneca entities, and his business partner Devon Archer — in some cases for work services (such as his board role at Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings), in other cases less clear — mainly a time when Joe Biden was vice president.

“It appears no real services were provided other than access to the Biden network, including Joe Biden himself. And Hunter Biden seems to have delivered,” Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said in a statement. “This is made clear,” Comer added, by meals at Café Milano in Washington, D.C., where then-Vice President Joe Biden “dined with oligarchs from around the world who had sent money to his son.”

In a recent appearance before the House Oversight Committee, Archer testified to Biden attending dinners with his son’s business partners, as shown in a lightly redacted transcript released by the panel. Archer indicated that Joe Biden did not discuss anything of consequence during these meals or in calls with Hunter’s associates, though he repeatedly emphasized how the Biden family “brand” went a long way in their ventures.


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