Joe Biden Says The Grand Canyon Is One Of ‘Earth’s Nine Wonders.’ There Are Seven.

President Joe Biden claimed on Tuesday that the Grand Canyon was “one of the earth’s nine wonders” despite the fact that there are only seven “Wonders of the World” — and all of those are man-made.

Biden’s trip to Arizona, a key battleground state that helped push him over the finish line in 2020, was primarily focused on the economy — and climate provisions included in his Inflation Reduction Act — amid record-breaking temperatures across the nation.


“The Grand Canyon — one of the earth’s nine wonders — wonders of the world. Literally. Think of that. You know, it’s amazing,” Biden said.

Critics quickly pointed out that there were only seven Wonders of the World – and the Grand Canyon was not included among them. In point of fact, both the original Wonders…


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