Breitbart Business Digest: Climate Researchers Say Biden’s Green Growth Agenda Isn’t Realistic

The Green New Pipe Dream

President Joe Biden has tried to sell America on the idea that economic policies can support growth while preventing climate change. The president has frequently described his promise to create jobs while fighting climate change as “Bidenomics in action.”

As it turns out, some of the biggest skeptics are climate researchers.

A survey of climate researchers published in Nature Sustainability, a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the same outfit that puts out the prestigious Nature journal, reveals extreme skepticism about the notion of “green growth.” For those not up on the latest climate politics, green growth is the idea that the economy can be encouraged to continue to grow even as governments adopt more climate friendly policies aimed at, for example, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Not so fast, say the climate experts.

“Despite strong promotion of green growth by policymakers and international institutions, there is…


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