Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Asks Judge for Removal from Case, Citing Potential Witness Conflict

Hunter Biden’s criminal defense attorney Chris Clark requested Tuesday to withdraw from representing his client, citing a conflict of continuing to represent the president’s son in a potential trial in which he could be asked to be a witness.

In July, Hunter Biden’s “sweetheart” plea deal fell apart due to legal scrutiny. Prosecutors said they expected the case against Hunter Biden for tax and gun violations to go to trial.

RELATED VIDEO — MSNBC’s Cevallos: Hunter Was Offered “Gift” “as Good as Not Guilty” on Gun Charge for Which There Was Video Proof:

Clark, who was a partner at the same Washington, DC, law firm with Liz Cheney’s husband, filed a motion on Tuesday requesting the judge allow him to remove himself from the case. Clark cited a Delaware rule that prevents lawyers from advocating on behalf of their clients if it is likely a lawyer will be called as a witness.

“Pursuant to Delaware Rule of Professional Conduct 3.7(a), ‘a…


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