Alan Dershowitz: AG Garland’s Weiss Appointment In Hunter Biden Case Is Illegal

Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Wednesday that Attorney General Merrick Garland had illegally appointed U.S. Attorney David Weiss to be the special counsel in Hunter Biden’s case.

Dershowitz shared an article making that very point via his Substack page, citing § 600.3(c) of the Code of Federal Regulations (a section titled “Qualifications of the Special Counsel” and noting that according to the law, any special counsel was to be “selected from outside the United States government”).

“This requirement is the law … There are good reasons for this requirement,” Dershowitz wrote. “Special counsel is supposed to be independent of the current government, not an employee who serves as U.S. Attorney for Delaware and can be fired from that job by the president. He is supposed to look at the evidence through the eyes of an outsider.”

Dershowitz went on to say that while he understood Weiss had already spent a number of years investigating Hunter…


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