Alfredo Ortiz: Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Workarounds Show His ‘Lawlessness’

President Joe Biden’s latest student debt forgiveness proposals are examples of his “lawlessness,” Job Creators Network president Alfredo Ortiz writes in an op-ed for Fox News.

Ortiz writes:

President Biden is defying the Supreme Court’s ruling striking down his $430 billion student loan bailout. He is advancing numerous college debt cancellation workarounds that violate the spirit, if not the letter, of the court’s decision that his original plan amounts to “staggering” executive overreach.

Based on recent news reports, Biden’s lawlessness appears to be part of a broader and longer-running trend. But it’s not a surprise. He all but promised he wouldn’t let the separation of powers get in the way of his debt cancellation plans.

Biden’s student loan forgiveness actions are not only executive overreach but also bad policy. They fail to address — and, in fact, exacerbate — the underlying reason for the college debt crisis: unaccountable colleges…


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