Biden Celebrates Inflation Reduction Act’s Anniversary; Voters Seem Not To Notice

WASHINGTON ― President Joe Biden on Wednesday celebrated the first anniversary of one of his major legislative achievements to date, the Inflation Reduction Act, taking credit for lower inflation and still-low unemployment as part of a strengthening economy.

Now all he has to do is persuade Americans who remain largely convinced that the economy is terrible.

“We now have more jobs than we did before the pandemic,” Biden told a White House East Room packed with aides and supporters. “Inflation is now at its lowest point in two years … Wages are growing faster than inflation.”

Unfortunately for a president looking for reelection in 15 months, Americans continue to hold a much more pessimistic view. In a recent CBS News poll, 65% of respondents described the economy as “bad,” compared to just 29% who called it “good.” The top two words they used to describe it: “struggling” and “uncertain.”

Only 34% of Americans approve of Biden’s performance on the economy.


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