Biden Touts ‘Fair Transition’ to Green Auto Industry as Workers’ Pay Is Cut

President Joe Biden is breaking his silence as the United Auto Workers (UAW) negotiate four-year contracts with the nation’s top automakers — General Motors (GM), Ford, and Stellantis.

As part of those negotiations, UAW President Shawn Fain is wanting concessions from the automakers that the Biden administration’s rapid push toward Electric Vehicles (EVs) will not upend the livelihoods of American auto workers and slash their wages, as has already happened.

Among its demands, the UAW wants Biden to require that GM, Ford, and Stellantis maintain a middle-class wage for auto workers when they are moved to EV plants in the future if they want to secure billions in taxpayer-funded subsidies via the president’s Inflation Reduction Act.

In a statement, Biden touted a “fair transition” to EVs but stopped short of making commitments to auto workers. Despite the UAW’s concerns, Biden said the EV transition is a necessity.

“The need to transition to a clean energy…


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