Hunter Biden paid consulting firm to sanitize his Wikipedia, emails show

The presidential scion wanted lines about his work with Burisma and a dodgy financier removed

Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, paid a high-powered consulting firm to whitewash his Wikipedia entry in 2014, according to emails obtained by journalist Lee Fang from Biden’s infamous laptop. 

The emails show the younger Biden reached out to public relations and lobbying giant FTI Consulting to make changes to his page, listing desired edits and connecting his contact at FTI, Ryan Toohey, to Biden’s partner at his firm Rosemont Seneca, Eric Schwerin.

The changes included deleting his ties to disgraced financier Allen Stanford, whose Stanford Financial Group had a joint venture with the Biden family hedge fund Paradigm Global Advisors, which Hunter ran as CEO with the help of his uncle James Biden for five years. Stanford is currently serving a 110-year prison sentence for running a $7 billion Ponzi (pyramid) scheme.

Other edits included…


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