Plurality Of Americans Lack Confidence In DOJ’s Hunter Biden Inquiry: Poll

The findings of a new poll suggest a growing number of Americans have doubts about the integrity of the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden.

Forty-eight percent of U.S. adults said they are “Not so/Not confident at all” when asked about their confidence in the Department of Justice’s handling of its inquiry into the president’s son in a “fair and nonpartisan manner,” according to a ABC News/Ipsos survey.

The figure — representing a “plurality” of Americans, as ABC News put it — reflects a “wave” period of August 15-16 — which would be following when Attorney General Merrick Garland elevated Delaware’s U.S. Attorney David Weiss to special counsel status last week.

It also is a slight increase over the prior “wave” period of August 2-3, during which 46% of respondents said they lacked confidence in the investigation.

Meanwhile, Americans who said they were “very” and “somewhat” confident dropped from 35% to 32% across the two poll waves.



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