Racism in America Today: A Real or Manufactured Problem?

The following content is sponsored by author, playwright, and Chair of the Claremont Institute Thomas Klingenstein.

While nobody denies that racist people exist all over the world, including in the U.S., racism in America today is, to a very significant degree, a manufactured problem, crafted by woke Leftists in order to overthrow the American way of life. The Left claims there exists an intolerable, all-pervasive system of white oppression and if you disagree, they will destroy you and may even inflict violence.

The woke tell us that racism has gotten worse, but this is drivel. As I explain in my speech “Racism in America Today,” the less actual racism there is, the more of it the woke Left insists it sees. The woke Left accuse America of being “systemically racist” not because it’s true, nor even because they think it’s true, but because it is the most powerful weapon in their arsenal.

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