China’s Solar Industry Biden Protected Is Found Evading U.S. Tariffs — Again

The Commerce Department has again found that Chinese solar manufacturers are evading United States tariffs by rerouting their supply chains through four Asian countries. The findings come after President Joe Biden shielded the Chinese companies with a 24-month tariff moratorium.

On Friday, the Commerce Department issued its final ruling that Chinese solar manufacturers are evading United States tariffs by sending their products through Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam for minor adjustments.

“Specifically, Commerce found that five companies were attempting to avoid the payment of U.S. duties by completing minor processing in third countries and that three companies were not circumventing,” agency officials wrote in their ruling. “Commerce also found that certain unexamined companies were circumventing.”

In 2022, the Commerce Department initially found the same violations.

Still, Biden has kept in place a 24-month tariff moratorium on solar panel imports…


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