Biden Defends Globalism, Blasts Trump’s 10% Tariffs on All Imports

Biden Defends Globalism, Blasts Trump’s 10% Tariffs on All Imports

President Joe Biden is defending globalist free trade, blasting a plan by former President Trump that would set across-the-board 10 percent tariffs on all foreign imports to the United States.

For decades, Washington, DC, lawmakers have championed a free trade consensus despite the policy’s proven record of gutting working and middle class American communities by making it easier for multinational corporations to outsource U.S. jobs to low-wage foreign countries and import their products back into the American market.

Trump, the front-runner in the GOP presidential primary, proposed a plan this week that would see 10 percent tariffs slapped on all foreign imports to the U.S. in an effort to protect American workers as well as their jobs and wages.

In response, Biden spokesman Andrew Bates told Politico that the president “strongly opposes” putting U.S. tariffs on foreign imports, claiming the policy would “hurt hardworking…


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