HuffPost WH Correspondent Uses 9/11 To Claim Trump Is Worse Than ‘Osama Bin Biden’

HuffPost White House correspondent S. V. Date used the 22nd anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks to claim that former President Donald Trump was worse than “Osama bin Biden.”

Date laid out his argument in a post on X, saying, “Twenty-two years ago this morning, a foreign terrorist murdered nearly 3,000 Americans. But he could not come close to ending or even hurting our democracy. That attack arrived 19 years, three months and 26 days later, at the hands of an ersatz American.”

Date added a follow-up post, continuing his attack on Trump and flubbing the name of 9/11 terrorist Osama bin Laden in the proceess.

“Osama bin Biden, after all, had never taken an oath to…


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