Donald Trump Says Joe Biden Isn’t Too Old — With A Very Trump Twist

Donald Trump dismissed concerns about President Joe Biden’s age in a new interview but still turned the comment into an insult. “He’s not too old at all. He’s grossly incompetent,” the multi-indicted ex-president sniped. (Watch the video below.)

In a “Megyn Kelly Show” segment shared online Thursday, host Kelly noted a poll in which 77% of Americans say Biden, 80, is too old for a second term.

“Are they right?” Kelly asked Trump.

“No, not for the reason of old, because I have many friends that are in their 80s. I have friends … that are in their 90s and they’re sharp as a tack just, I mean I would say, just about what they used to be,” Trump replied. “No, not old. He’s incompetent.”

“Age is interesting, because some people are very sharp and some people do lose it, but you lose it at 40 and 50 also,” he continued. “But no, he’s not too old at all. He’s grossly incompetent.”

The Republican front-runner, who’s facing doubts about his own…


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