Nigeria: A nation desperately in need of kingdom men (2), By Ayo Akerele

No nation can be greater than the quality of its men. No marriage can be stronger than the quality of the husbands. When fathers fail, nations fail. When husbands fail, marriages fail. Fathers shape values faster and stronger in children and societies than any other method. Real men who are not in the business of eating sour grapes are now needed in our society. These are kingdom men.

Karl Marx was an historian who pioneered the socialist movement in Europe and across the globe. One of Marx’s motives for entrenching socialism in the politics of Western nations was the elimination of the bibliocentric leadership roles of men in marriages. Marx publicly advanced this cause by advocating for the dissolution of the bibliocentric marriage structure that positioned the man as the head of a marriage unit.

According to Marx, the freer the wife and the children are from the “control” of men, the freer and healthier the society will be. In other words, men and fathers were…


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