Pro-life leader denounces FBI, DOJ’s prosecution of activists: ‘It’s a different America’

The recent arrests and federal charges against pro-life activists represent a “blatant politicization” of the government, Life Issues Institute President Bradley Mattes told FOX News Digital.

Mattes, who has spent over 40 years involved in the pro-life movement, discussed his concerns over reports from Department of Justice (DOJ) that three activists were convicted of federal civil rights conspiracy and freedom of access to clinic entrances (FACE) act offenses after protesting outside a clinic. Based on the charges, each defendant faces up to 11 years in prison, three years of probation and a fine of up to $350,000.

By contrast, Mattes noted, pro-choice activists have hardly been prosecuted.

“It’s a blatant politicization of the FBI and Department of Justice. Our government is being weaponized against us. They are using these resources against their political foes, people who dare disagree with them. It is something that really Americans should look at, and it should send a chill up…


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