Cenk Uygur To Challenge Biden In Democratic Primary

Cenk Uygur, a popular progressive YouTube personality who is currently ineligible to serve as president, nonetheless confirmed his decision on Wednesday to mount a long-shot Democratic primary challenge against President Joe Biden.

Uygur told Semafor, which first reported the news of his run, that he hopes to persuade Biden not to proceed with his bid for a second term, on the grounds that Biden would lose to former President Donald Trump.

“I’m going to do whatever I can to help him decide that this is not the right path,” he told Semagor. “If he retires now, he’s a hero: He beat Trump, he did a good job of being a steward of the economy. If he doesn’t, he loses to Trump, and he’s the villain of the story.”

Uygur, 53, a naturalized citizen and California resident who came to the United States from Turkey in 1978, does not meet the Constitution’s clause that only “natural-born” U.S. citizens are eligible to become president.

Uygur plans to fight for his…


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