Palestinian spokesman says ‘Biden only cares about being re-elected’, accuses him of believing Israel’s ‘lies’ about Gaza hospital strike and claims Hamas is NOT committing atrocities in brazen CNN interview

Palestinian political leader Mustafa Barghouti accused President Joe Biden Wednesday morning of buying the Israeli government’s ‘lies’ about who was responsible for Tuesday’s horrific Gaza hospital blast as a way to get re-elected. 

Barghouti appeared on CNN and slammed Biden for commenting to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that it ‘appears as though it was done by the other team, not you,’ as the two met Wednesday afternoon in Tel Aviv. 

Israel Defense Forces denied that an Israeli missile was the source of Tuesday’s explosion that killed hundreds, instead pointing fingers at a misfired rocket shot off by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group. 

‘You know, with all due respect, I see that President Biden cares only about one thing, which is to be re-elected and that’s why he’s taking the side of Israel,’ said Barghouti, the general secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative.   

‘He’s believing Israeli lies like the lie of decapitation of children, which…


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