Doctors reveal how worried we should be about Joe Biden's positive COVID test as President, 81, appears increasingly frail

Joe Biden was seen walking gingerly down the steps of Air Force One last night after revealing he had Covid and being yanked off the campaign trail.

The image of the hobbling president then being helped into a car has raised further questions about his health – as pressure mounts for him to stand down.

Now, doctors are warning that, at 81, Biden is among the age groups at the highest risk of debilitating and lingering symptoms from the virus, including brain fog, fatigue and muscle aches that make moving difficult, perhaps explaining his stiffer-than-usual gait last night.

They told they expect Biden to make a full recovery, thanks to the fact he’s relatively slim, he exercises, has natural immunity from previous infections, has been vaccinated multiple times and is taking the Covid drug Paxlovid.

But doctors worry his advanced age, myriad of underlying health conditions – an irregular heartbeat, a history of aneurysm – and current medications that include blood…


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