The role of ethics in public relations: Authenticity in the era of misinformation, By Idu Oruamabo-Agorua

Ethics represents the moral principles between good and bad. Various professional bodies adopt specific ethical codes to guide behaviour and uphold their values. These codes are not arbitrary; they reflect the values the organisation holds dear.

Is the concept of ethics overrated? Let’s pause and consider this.

What is Public Relations? At its core, PR is our relational currency with the outside world or a large audience beyond our internal sphere.

Given this, is it feasible to present oneself differently to an external audience than who you are behind closed doors? If your answer is yes, the next question is, how long can such a persona be maintained?

Now, let’s delve into ethics. Ethics represents the moral principles between good and bad. Various professional bodies adopt specific ethical codes to guide behaviour and uphold their values. These codes are not arbitrary; they reflect the values the organisation holds dear.

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