Pentagon fielding new tech to knock out Chinese and Russian satellites – Bloomberg

Washington intends to develop its ability to disable other states’ satellites via ground-based jammers

Washington is close to boosting its offensive counterspace capability with new ground-based jammers designed to temporarily disable satellites deployed by Moscow and Beijing, Bloomberg wrote on Friday, citing sources in the US Space Force (USSF).

Having already tested the new systems earlier this year, the US will deploy 11 of 24 Remote Modular Terminal jammers in the coming months, the USSF told the newspaper. All are expected to be in place by the end of the year. The jammers aren’t meant to protect US satellites from jamming; rather, they aim to “counter adversary satellite communications capabilities,” the USSF has said.

The Space Force had previously described the terminals as “small, transportable, and low-cost satellite communications jammers,” designed “using commercial off-the-shelf components.”

The jammers will augment other…


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