US forces complete exit from African state

Soldiers and military equipment have been removed from Air Base 201 in central Niger, according to a joint statement

The US Army has finished withdrawing from its last base in Niger, the Pentagon and the West African nation’s authorities announced on Monday, marking the end of Washington’s counterterrorism mission in a country plagued by jihadist insurgencies.

A joint statement from the US Department of Defense and the Nigerien Ministry of National Defense said American forces and equipment had been pulled out of Air Base 201 in Agadez.

“This effort began on May 19 following the mutual establishment of withdrawal conditions, and coordination will continue between US and Nigerien armed forces over the coming weeks to ensure the full withdrawal is complete as planned,” the two sides said.

The withdrawal comes nearly five months after Niger’s new leadership, which came to power after a coup in July 2023, terminated a defense agreement with…


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