Meghan and Harry's Colombian 'quasi-royal' tour: Duchess speaks in Spanish during her 'Afro women and power' talk and gives sweet Lilibet update

Meghan Markle spoke Spanish during her ‘Afro women and power’ talk on the final day of her quasi-royal tour of Colombia with Prince Harry

The Duchess of Sussex gave a speech at the event in the city of Cali’s theatre, which was surrounded with a security ring of steel including dozens of armed police and soldiers.

Meghan proudly retold her go-to tale about how she wrote to Procter & Gamble aged 11 to ask the brand to change its sexist soap commercial.

But before she spoke as part of the panel, there appeared to be heckler among the crowds. 

The Duchess also paid tribute to her mother and gushed over her three-year-old daughter Lilibet. 

‘[I] encourage our daughter […] at three she has found her voice and we are so proud of that,’ she said. 

‘For me I find inspiration in so many of the strong women around me. My mother being one of them. Life is full of surprises and can be quite complex.’ 

Meghan notably neglected to mention the Princess of Wales and the late Queen Elizabeth…


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