Apapa: Untold story of Nigeria’s revenue powerhouse, By Gidado Yushau Shuaib

My visit to Apapa was an eye-opener, providing a firsthand experience of the immense scale of operations that sustain Nigeria’s economy. It reinforced the importance of effective leadership in navigating the complexities of such a vast and vital sector. Apapa is not just another port in Lagos; it is a testament to what can be achieved with the right leadership and commitment to excellence.

Apapa — a name that has always resonated with me, not just as the backdrop for film and TV productions or Nigeria’s once-popular Gala Sausage Roll, but more importantly as the site of one of Nigeria’s most significant port complexes. Nigeria, a nation rich in resources and potential, is home to several crucial ports, including the Lagos Port Complex, Tincan Island Port, Rivers Port, Onne Port, Delta Port, Calabar Port, and the recently established Lekki Deep Sea Port. However, many of these ports have not fully realised their potential, remaining underutilised, despite their…


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