Russiagate II: Kamala’s Revenge

The shine on Kamala Harris is wearing off fast.

People forget that the first few weeks of her 2019 campaign were not a total disaster area; it took a few weeks for the shine to wear off. 

But now it’s wearing off, so the Democrats are activating Operation Russiagate II.

The Biden-Harris administration is making noise about Russia interfering in our elections again. Yesterday, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced indictments and seizures of internet domains related to Russian interference in the election. 

But here’s the thing: Various powers try to interfere in American elections. That is just reality. China has repeatedly attempted to interfere in American elections. Iran is attempting to interfere in the American election.

So it’s not a surprise that Russia will try to interfere in the American election. The difference is that when China does it, it is not a national news story. When Iran does it, it’s buried.

But when it’s Russia, the basic idea is that Russia is going…


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