I'm a travel expert… here is what to do if the plug socket on your train does not work

Making that last minute dash for a train only to discover you’re running low on phone battery is always a pain.

It is even worse when you find out the plug socket in your carriage is out of action.

But a travel expert has revealed why you should not despair and resort to looking mournfully out of your window.

Thankfully Mark Smith, the founder of popular train website Seat 61, has revealed how to ensure you’re charged for the whole journey.

A travel expert has revealed the biggest mistakes commuters are making on their journeys into work

A travel expert has revealed the biggest mistakes commuters are making on their journeys into work

A travel expert has revealed the biggest mistakes commuters are making on their journeys into work

Mr Smith, who has previously worked for British Rail and the Department for Transport, here is a chance you can get a faulty plug socket up and running by asking a member of train crew.  

The travel expert continued: ‘It’s worth asking staff as sometimes it’s just tripped out and can be reset.’

But his number one piece of advice would be to always carry a full-charged power bank with you for your journey.

Mark said: ‘Most newer…


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