Liz Cheney Denounces 'Depraved' Donald Trump Following Harris Endorsement

Liz Cheney described Donald Trump as “depraved” and dangerous while defending her decision to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris during a Sunday interview on ABC’s “This Week.”

Cheney was unequivocal about her choice, as she told “This Week” co-anchor Jonathan Karl that reelecting Trump for president would end up being an “unrecoverable catastrophe” for the country.

“We see it on a daily basis, somebody who was willing to use violence in order to attempt to seize power, to stay in power, someone who represents unrecoverable catastrophe, frankly, in my view,” she said. “And we have to do everything possible to ensure that he’s not reelected.”

Though the retired Republican legislator told Karl she has “never viewed this as a policy election” while defending her political differences with Democratic presidential candidate Harris, Cheney also argued that Trump could barely be characterized as a true conservative and that “Republicans have nominated…


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