Activity Spotted At Iran’s Former Nuclear Weapons Facilities

Western intelligence officials are reportedly growing increasingly concerned about Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons as new activity has been spotted at facilities that it used in the past when it was working to develop its own nuclear weapons.

The activity comes as G7 Foreign Ministers condemned Iran this week “in the strongest possible terms” for supplying Russia with missiles for its illegal war in Ukraine. The U.S. says that in exchange for the weapons, Russia is giving Iran “secret information and technology that could bring it closer to being able to build nuclear weapons,” Bloomberg News reported.

During recent talks between the U.S. and the U.K., top officials said that Iran’s nuclear program “had never been more advanced.”

Iran has continued to rapidly increase their stockpile of enriched uranium, in direct violation of the the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which would shorten the amount time needed to build a nuclear weapon to about a week if…


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