Can I stop neighbour's teenage son kicking a ball against their fence? DEAN DUNHAM replies



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Recently, our peace and quiet has been destroyed as our new neighbours have a young teenage son who spends hours kicking a football against the fence that belongs to them.

The thumping sound is very loud and so we no longer enjoy sitting in our own garden. What can we do about it?

J.P., via email

Red card: A next door neighbour's son is making one reader's life a misery by constantly kicking his football against the garden fence

Red card: A next door neighbour's son is making one reader's life a misery by constantly kicking his football against the garden fence

Red card: A next door neighbour’s son is making one reader’s life a misery by constantly kicking his football against the garden fence

Dean Dunham replies: The first step to take is to speak to your neighbours nicely and explain the distress this is causing you.

If it’s annoying you, the chances are the noise is also annoying them, so they may have sympathy with you. 

If your neighbours fail to resolve the problem for you, your next step is to keep a diary for a few weeks, recording the precise date and times…


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