Ukraine wants Europe’s longest bridge ‘dismantled’

Kiev has demanded the demolition of the Crimean Bridge, which it claims Russia has built “illegally” over the Kerch Strait, during hearings at the international court in The Hague this week.

The Kremlin declined to comment on the hearings on Tuesday, with spokesman Dmitry Peskov saying that Moscow’s position was well-known and “absolutely predominant.”

Moscow has argued that the Ukrainian case is groundless and that the court has no jurisdiction.

On Monday, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) started proceedings over a complaint brought by the Ukrainian government in 2016, accusing Russia of violating international sea laws on freedom of navigation.

Ukraine claims sovereignty over Crimea and argues that the Sea of Azov, which is separated from the Black Sea by the Kerch Strait, is an international body of water, to which the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea applies.

Anton Korinevich, representing Ukraine, declared in his opening statement that the bridge built by…


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