BORIS JOHNSON: I fear for the Falklands now Starmer has been exposed as a spineless Leftie surrenderist fraud

So the great fraud unravels. When Keir Starmer presented himself for election, we had the vague impression that he was dull but straight. He might be a bit lawyerly and nit-picking, but he was going to govern this country with a puritan hostility to sleaze.

Look at him today, so deep in the trough as to be almost invisible. He is still wearing a very expensive pair of spectacles that were actually bought for him by a man who was later given a pass to No 10.

Accepting the spectacles was greed. Giving the donor a pass was corruption. Why is Starmer still wearing them?

He still swanks around in sleaze-funded suits. How can get away with it? Desperate to draw a line under the scandal, he says he is going to pay back some of the freebies.

He is writing out a cheque for £6,000 to cover the cost of some Taylor Swift tickets and other fripperies. But what about the specs, Keir? What about the tens of thousands of pounds worth of clothes that you and your family have apparently accepted from…


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