The value of life (2), By Sunday Adelaja

Is life not more than wisdom? Is life not more than power? Is life not more than money (wealth)? …it is a dangerous thing to possess something and not know its significance. Unfortunately, in our world today, most people who possess life, don’t nearly have an understanding of what they have. Hence, the neglect, the abuse, the loss, the death, and the taking advantage of.

The domineering and controlling influence of money and wealth is so undeniably overwhelming, so much that the Lord Jesus Christ himself had to describe it as a god on its own.  Money and wealth wield so much influence in our world that they tend to command religious devotion. No wonder, Jesus said, you could either worship God Almighty or Mammon, the god of money. In short, the purpose of money and wealth is to assert its worship on its adherents. Money seeks to be worshiped, just as much as God seeks worshipers. That is a dangerous place to be. God clearly defiles its significance. Money too is not…


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