Arsenal fans want Odegaard stripped of captaincy, pick ‘natural-born leader’ to succeed him


Some Arsenal fans have surprisingly turned against Martin Odegaard after Saturday’s defeat against Aston Villa – the club’s second in the Premier League this season. 

Odegaard was not at his best at Villa Park like most of his teammates. But some supporters have called for him to be stripped of the captaincy and given to Declan Rice.

🗣️Curtis Shaw: “I would seriously consider taking the armband off Odegaard and giving it to Rice, missing chances can happen but Odegaard is backing out of challenges and has happened in a few games, you can’t see your captain doing that and consider him the leader.”

🗣️TuckyVersionOne: “I like Odegaard but I’ve never seen anything about him that screams captain. And there’s nothing wrong with that but Rice is the one that is head and shoulders a leader and needs to be one with the armband.”

🗣️Noel Tolleback: “He should lead by example and he often does but in terms of those things you’re right, it’s also worth noting Rice is clearly a natural born leader and even though Odegaard seems nice and supportive he doesn’t seem like he was born with instinctive leadership”. 

🗣️Barry Driscoll: “This ‘Captain’ in football gets to wear an armband, take part in the toss before KO and, on a rare occasion, the ref might want to have a word. That’s it. I wouldn’t be too concerned who plays this role.”

🗣️Shan N: “100% with your Curtis I think last season when he went missing in all those big games when we really needed him made me realise he’s not captain material. Rice for captain for me all day long “.

🗣️Arsenal Therapy: “For weeks. For months. We’ve changed, it doesn’t sit right that he’s captain. It’s awkward. Even the ref thought it. Thank you btw, not many see it. Not his fault, should never have been made captain”.

Fans are understandably frustrated but Odegaard has experience wearing the armband, having been Norway’s captain since March 2021. He is also very committed and dedicated to this club. Let’s support him.


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