Despite knowing I was impotent my wife accepted my proposal, God later healed me –MFM Pastor Olumide Oni

INTERVIEW:Despite knowing I was impotent my wife accepted my proposal, God later healed me –MFM Pastor Olumide Oni


The Senior Regional Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, International Headquarters Annex, Wuye, Abuja, Pastor Olumide Oni, speaks about his life and journey into ministry, in this interview with TUNDE AJAJA

When were you called into the ministry?

I lived with my grandmother, Prophetess Moyode Abake, as a child. One day, she called me at about at 2am and told me that God had given me a special grace and had commissioned me to serve Him. I saw 12 years old then.  She emphasised that whatever I was going to do in life, I should try as much as possible to serve the Lord with all my heart. She then revealed that it might get to a particular point when my commitment to the work of God would take me away completely from all worldly engagements. After our discussion at around 2.35am, she prayed with me and informed me that I was impotent even as a young boy.  Of course, I had known this before. But she told me that the reason for my impotence was because God had ordained me for a purpose and that if I was sexually active at that time, I might not yield to the call of God. So, since I was around 12 years old, I had known my true identity. I knew I was not an ordinary human being.

Was your grandmother a clergywoman?

She was a Christ Apostolic Church member at Ita-Baale Olugbode, Ibadan. She happened to be an outstanding prophetess who worked closely with the late Apostle Ayo Babalola and Oba (Isaac) Akinyele, who was one-time king of Ibadanland. Unfortunately, she died not long after she gave me the revelation about my calling.

What was your journey like after the prophecy by your grandmother?

After the death of my grandmother, I tried my best to be on my own. I tried to work in many places but from one place to the other it was failure all through. It was then that I remembered what my grandmother said and it dawned on me that I am like a covenant child that cannot do anything apart from serving the Lord with all my heart. Consequently, I began to fashion my life and way according to the will of God. Right there in CAC, I became an outstanding choir member because my mother had already handed me over to the choir master when I was seven years old in CAC. I grew up to be a leader at Ita-Baale, Olugbode CAC.

When did you join Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries?

I became a member of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries in 1991 and also worked closely with our father in the Lord, Dr D. K. Olukoya. I later became an ordained pastor in Mountain of Fire in 1994. I began my journey from house fellowship. I served as a house fellowship leader, house fellowship area coordinator. I served in many centres. There was a time I became a general coordinator of the house fellowship in Akoka, Lagos. The Akoka house fellowship became the first house fellowship to organise an open crusade in MFM worldwide. By the grace of God, from being a house fellowship leader, I worked shortly with the security department. From security department, I moved to information department and later became the deliverance minister. I was given a promotion letter and transferred to Prayer City. I worked in Prayer City from where I was transferred to MFM, Owerri. I became the first Overseer in Mountain of Fire Miracles Ministries, Mowe, South-West Region 9. And to the glory of God, God used us mightily in that place. We were operating from a school premises belonging to a family, Brother and Sister Alalade. God helped us during my time, as we were able to buy a landed property for the church. We also started building and were able to complete the building to the glory of God. During my tenure also, we had our Prayer City for Mowe Region at Owode in Ogun State. We were running the Prayer City monthly just as our father in the Lord, Dr. Olukoya, was running the Prayer City in Ibafo monthly. There were a lot of testimonies in Mowe region. Also, a lot of property was given to the church and we bought some to the glory of God. We also have a chalet in Prayer City that belongs to MFM, Mowe region. And for the first time, a region was having its own permanent guest house or chalet. From there, we moved to coordinate the Prayer City in 2012. I became the overall leader in Prayer City from February to September by the grace of God. We were able to lead in the fear of God and had testimonies. From Prayer City, I was transferred to MFM Lagos region 1, the first branch of MFM worldwide. MFM Lagos region 1 was established in 1995. I became a Regional Overseer in that place as well. Unfortunately, when I came to the place, the place was like a tent, no structure at all. God gave me instruction to pull it down. We started building and the building was completed in 10 months. The building in Mowe regional headquarters was completed in nine months. The chalet in Prayer City that belongs to Mowe was completed in seven months. The journey of Lagos region 1 continued. God gave us another landed property where we have Mountain Top Primary School, Mountain Top Secondary School and our staff quarters and apartments for all our pastors. The place is located after Ajah in Lagos, Nigeria. I served for only three and a half years in Lagos region 1 before, the Lord spoke to me that I should move.

I talked to my father in the Lord and he prayed about it. I was given another transfer. The same thing that happened in Mowe, God told me that my time was up and any time God passed such information across I would relate it to my father in the Lord. Same thing l did in Lekki region. I was given another assignment around Kubwa in Abuja. Kubwa was also another tent. The record is there for people to see. We started that project as well. It was wonderful to the glory of God everything in Kubwa too was completed in seven months together with the schools. It is a wonderful cathedral today to the glory of God. I spent only two years and five months there before God instructed me to move again.  I spoke with my father in the Lord. I was taken to Lugbe.

You’ve been able to author many books, despite your obviously busy schedule. But the books are designated not-for-sale. Why did you do that?

It was based on divine instruction. God spoke to me that I must not sell my books. By the grace of God, I have been able to publish 107 books. The last one was about four years ago. The mission behind publishing books is to reach out more to people where I cannot get to physically till I die, and to the glory of God today I am the one next to the G. O. when it comes to publishing books in Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries with the record of 107 published books to the glory of God of Elijah. It was divinely ordained by God – ‘Do not sell your books’’. We send books to some countries and some states within Nigeria without asking them to give us money because they are not for sale. But of course, in the course of this there were some people who partnered the book ministry. They made up their mind that even though our books are not for sale, they still wanted to be a part of it.  There is therefore a book account for whosoever wishes to be a part of what we are doing.  The love of God in our hearts is what guides us, directs us, and teaches us so that we will not miss our way. We brought nothing to this world and certainly we shall take nothing out of this world.

Your friends and church members organised a surprise birthday for you this year and you got lots of gifts. How did you feel about that?

I felt very happy. I got lots of gift money. Calculating all, including dollars, I got close to N200m in cash gift. But as I was given, I gave everything back to the church. Some people still brought money after my birthday. I similarly transferred the money into the account of the church because I was not permitted to take anything back home. As of the time that the money came in, I had less than N100,000 in my bank account. So, it was not because I had too much money; it is just because of the love of God. The zeal for His house has eaten me up so much that I cannot do without Him. The most important thing is that I must make sure I make God happy. When God is happy with me I can get to any place at any time.


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