Two words you should never say on a plane – as it could get you sent to jail

Two words you should never say on a plane – as it could get you sent to jail

Daily Star

An airline professional has shared the two words passengers should never tell flight staff, even as a joke.

Willis Orlando, senior product operation specialist at Scott’s Cheap Flights, claimed people should never tell flight attendants “I’m drunk”.

This is because of the reaction the statement will get from plane crews due to their safety requirements.

He told Yahoo: “Certainly a lot of us get very convivial with flight attendants and we want to pal around with them and make these kinds of jokes and we feel light-hearted – and maybe we make a joke about being intoxicated.”

But, cabin crew have the right to kick passengers off a plane if they are too drunk, reports the Mirror.

He explained: “They have to make a decision whether you’re safe to stay on board. There are also things that they can do to penalise you.

“They could put you on a list of problem passengers – and this could all be misunderstanding if you make a simple joke.”

Now that international travel is opening up to Brits post-pandemic we’re more likely to be jetting off on holiday.

And, after so long without airline travel it would be easy to go a little wild, but remember that you must obey flight safety rules.

Whether you mean to or not, being drunk on a plane is a criminal offence and is one of the main reasons aircraft are diverted from the original course to a nearby airport.

Read the full story in Daily Star


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