How fake passports helped Nigerian drug suspect stay ahead of Indian police

How fake passports helped Nigerian drug suspect stay ahead of Indian police

Creating fake Nigerian passports on fictitious names helped arrested Nigerian drug suspect Chukwu Ogbonna David alias Tony, from coming under the radar of India’s Telangana police in the last three years, officials have said.

When his two accomplices were caught by Indian law enforcement in 2019 for allegedly being in possession of cocaine, they disclosed their handler’s name as SK Chukwu, which itself was not Tony’s actual name.

Later, Tony created another fake passport with a fake visa under the name Danny Chukwu, police say, adding that the latest name by which he was introduced to others was Tony Marsha.


“From a previous arrested accomplice of Tony, we got his photograph. When investigators showed him the picture, Tony outrightly denied that the person in the photograph was him. He tried to show a mole on the face of the person in the photograph which he did not have. But later, he admitted it was him in the photograph.”

Police officials say whenever Tony’s agents were arrested for peddling drugs, he would immediately change his name and create a new fake passport besides shifting to a different city temporarily to conceal his identity.


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