Customer, friends lynch, burn Lagos sex worker for keeping Quran in room

Customer, friends lynch, burn Lagos sex worker for keeping Quran in room

The Lagos State Police Command has charged three suspects to court for allegedly beating a prostitute, Hannah Saliu, to death and setting her corpse ablaze for keeping the Holy Quran in her room.

PUNCH Metro gathered that one of the suspects patronised Saliu and after having sex with her, he reportedly paid her N1,000 for the service.

The customer was said to have left her room when she suddenly discovered that her N5,000 had gone missing.

She reportedly ran after the customer and accused him of stealing her money.

The accusation, however, degenerated into an argument.

The customer was said to have mobilised his friends to Saliu’s room to search for the missing money.

While searching the place, the friends reportedly found a Quran underneath her pillow.

Read the full story in Punch


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