Inflation: What to do if your salary is no longer sustaining you

Inflation: What to do if your salary is no longer sustaining you

What do you do if your salary is no longer sustaining you?

This is a question most salary earners have often asked themselves, especially in the current economic downturn. The inflation in Nigeria is constant, the economy is not stable. You can go to the market today and buy something at one price and return in a few days and it’s a higher price. But your salary remains the same.

If the prices of your needs are increasing and your salary is not increasing to match the cost, then you will agree with me that there is a problem. So what is the solution to this problem?

There are several options you can exercise depending on what is most feasible for you.

Be your company’s fixer

Every company at its core has a single most important problem. If you’re the staff who is the go-to guy for solving that problem, it makes you the fixer. It also makes you indispensable and makes it easy for you to negotiate a higher salary for yourself.

Do your research

Now you know what you earn. Compare your salary with what others in your field are earning. Go ahead to find out what the benchmark is if your salary meets it. If you earn lower, you can use this to negotiate a higher salary for yourself by preparing great visuals showing what you bring to the table, your valuable input and progress, and how the company has benefited from you. Visuals are best for this because people are more likely to respond to visuals than to conversations.

Master a new skill

If you want to earn more, a good way is to master a new skill. It has to be a skill that you can actively use in your job description and produce better results. It could be a new certification or training. Apply these skills in your daily tasks and call the attention of your direct supervisor to them.

Ask for more responsibilities

A great way to get a salary increase is getting more responsibilities. This would be a good incentive for your job to pay you more as no one expects you to do more jobs for the same pay. Getting a new skill or certification can help you to be qualified to carry on more responsibilities.


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