Woman who ‘almost died’ in coma says it was the ‘best experience of my life’

Woman who ‘almost died’ in coma says it was the ‘best experience of my life’

A woman who ‘almost died’ in a coma says it was the “best experience of her life” as it left her with an indescribable sense of peace – and allowed her to beat her phobia of the dark. Irayne Vamplew, 81, suffered a stroke in 2016 and ended up in a coma for two months.

Describing her experience, she says there were no lights or sounds – just a black void in which there was no sense of time. Irayne, a former interior designer from Robertsbridge, Sussex, describes her time in a coma as an extremely peaceful experience that has left her with a feeling of contentment – prompting her to conclude, incredibly, that it is the best thing that has ever happened to her.

Irayne, a mother of two, said: “I put it down as the best experience of my life, I’m grateful for it. They even found cancer at the same time and they wouldn’t have found it if I hadn’t had the stroke.

“It was just dark, silence, I didn’t hear anything, I didn’t see anything, but the peace I’ve lived with ever since is utterly amazing. There was nothing that scared me about the dark and quiet, it was just peaceful.

“I did believe in an afterlife, now I’m not so sure. I didn’t see anybody or anything, no lights, nothing.”

In 2016, Irayne had sold her house and on January 6, as she was waiting for the removal men to arrive, she started to feel unwell.

Read the full story in Mirror


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