Democrats fear Cornel West’s candidacy could derail Joe Biden’s reelection campaign

A growing number of Democrats are worried that third-party presidential candidate Cornel West could siphon voters from President Joe Biden and derail his reelection efforts.

West launched his campaign in June 2023, running with the People’s Party, painting himself as a progressive alternative to Biden.

“I care about the quality of your life. I care about whether you have access to a job with a living wage, decent housing, women having control over their bodies, health care for all, de-escalating the destruction of the planet,” West said in his launch video.

Weeks after launch, West switched his party affiliation to the Green Party, reminding Democrats about 2016 Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein.

Analysts have suggested Stein contributed to former President Donald Trump’s victory against Hillary Clinton by capturing enough voters in three battleground states.

West, a philosopher and prominent civil rights activist, has a record of fighting for progressive…


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