Clinton says McCarthy ‘too weak’ to stand up to GOPers calling for Biden impeachment

Clinton spoke with MSNBC’s Jen Psaki, telling the host some in the GOP were using impeachment as a political weapon to keep their base “all riled up while they make up stuff that has no basis in fact.”

“There’s no there there,” Clinton said. “They know there’s no there there, and sadly the Speaker of the House is too weak to stand up to the most rabid block of his members who don’t care what the truth or the facts are.”

“They just want to be able to grandstand and try to cause President Biden problems,” she added.

McCarthy unilaterally directed House committees to open the impeachment inquiry earlier this month, succumbing to the hard-right faction in his party. The speaker claimed Republicans had discovered “serious and credible allegations” centered on millions of dollars in payments made by foreign nationals to the president’s son, Hunter Biden, during the years when the elder Biden was vice president.

Despite his call to move forward, McCarthy has struggled to rein in a faction of his party amid a looming government shutdown that has put his leadership in peril.

Clinton told Psaki Sunday the impeachment proceedings were “not a real threat” to the president, but rather reflected negatively on Republicans.


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